How-To Sales Tips

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Sales People Need Work ONLY 5 Hours Per Day!

Did you know that the average sales person only spends about 2 hours per day actually selling? That means if you add up all of the time that the average sales person spends prospecting, conducting sale meetings, and doing sales-generating activity, it only adds up to 10 hours per week. This is disastrous. The rest…

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3 Must-Know Tips to Upselling Clients

There is the hard way to increase revenues, finding more prospects and selling them, and then there is the easy way to increase revenues, upsell your existing clients. The hardest sale you will ever make in a client’s lifetime is the first one, so make life easier for yourself and focus more on that second,…

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Insanely Easy Tips to Making Larger Sales

I was at a Mediterranean restaurant the other day in Downtown Boston with my brother. Everything on the menu was under $8. My brother commented, “If there were just one ‘deluxe’ platter on the menu that cost $12, I would get it.” That comment got me thinking. He’s right. If that restaurant wanted to increase…